affectual Leadership
is influence process and giving good sample for emlpoyer to get the destination
of organization. Leader is the most important part in organization. Not only
man, but also woman can be leader. And good organization is held by affectual
leader. Affectual leader has 4 characteristics. Those are :
Having an
inspiring personality or called by charisma
Thinking foward
persuasion trick
Affectual leader is not only man,
but also woman. Becouse Judi Rosener as lucturer of calivornia Univercity said
“there is the different leadership between man and woman.
1) Man
leader always looked from the transaction. He gives wage from the employee
product. And give them punishment if they make mistake on their job. But, if woman leader, she near
with her employee. She always carry her employee to be creative people. And she
have feel pity for her employee.
2) Man
leader is more egoist than woman. Becouse man leader always look his position
in organization. But, different with woman leader. Se has ready to divide her domination and divide
her informationto her employee.
The manner of true leadership is
someone who want to be leader and wish be servant.
Hellen Fisher ever said “actually, woman sould have
4 characteristics to be succes leader.
1. Patient
2. Having
feeling of respect
3. Multitasking
( can do some job at once time)
4. Can
do networking and negoitiation
Now, we have known the 4 characteristics of woman to be affectual
leader. But, beside it we must do something to expand her career.
1) Looking
for a job suitable with passion
2) Looking
for guide to lead till top position.
3) Increase
the perspective by showing work achievement.
And affectual leadership, It’s less
about power, but about the chance to do things diffently if we are given oppurtunity.
This story was beginning from a
school namely MA Nurul Jadid. Before that school was built, it was grave
yard and almost student talked about it.
They were maser, nindy, tia and kiky. They were bestfriend since they was
little child. Nindy and maser, they were cute, sneaky and always made prolem.
While tia and kiky they were cute, plain,coward and closemouthed people.
At canten...
guys...!!! i have some breaking news for us....”said nindi.
“what is
that??? Asked maser
and kiki)
They were
swarming around circle.
“what??? I
don’t want to do it!!! That’s sin !!!” said tia.
nin...they study til night...and then wedisturb?? I don’t want...i’m
afraid...”said kiki.
this is good idea, with this way our name will be good in our teachers. Right
ser? Asked nindi.
right nin...if they don’t want joining us...we have do together nin”
watch out you disturb my planning !!
threatned nindi.
In that night, course was
beginning, cause of their teacher came late...many students had assemble in
front of class.
Voice one:
Voice two:
“what voice
is that??? Said students panic.
All students run because of that
voice...and five minutes later...
“where are
student?? I think tonight is course, or they are not coming yet??”asked
“good night
sir...!”greated nindi and maser.
“good night
too...by the way where are your friends?? Asked teacher.
“may be they
are sleeping sir, as usuall they are lazy sir....is that right ser??”asked
nin, they are lazy people.
we begin ....”invited teacher.
In that night, nindi and maser
were succes run their planning...and because of that night, many teachers
talked about nindi and maser and that made their friends were distrustful.
While kiki and tia were just silent. Because of nindi and maser were more
arogant, kiki and tia said to teacher about what they have done....
sir...actually someone who disturb others are nindi and maser”said tia.
sir, we are late to give information about it. Cause we are afraid sir..”said
Finally maser and nindi get
At 12.00 am
in school field...
this is because of you nin!”said maser...
Because of me?? But this is your opinion right??”
this is for the last....and i don’t want to make problem again...hufth
tired..”said maser.
wishes...!”said kiki and tia.
“watch out
you ti... ki..!”
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